Point of Value

Reprioritise Point of Sale and focus on Point of Value

Organisations must rebalance away from sales and prioritise value delivery, according to CX guru Bruce Temkin.
Temkin says too many organizations overly focus on selling their products and services, but that sales revenues are not necessarily an indication of long-term success. Temkin says value is too often missing from the picture.
It is an obvious point, but if customers don’t get value, they will not re-purchase or renew and their commentary will be negative.
Companies work hard to get new customers, Temkin acknowledges. And, many firms are improving their customer service. But there’s a critical phase in the customer lifecycle that frequently gets missed. This phase is what Temkin calls the Engagement Phase.

8 months ago
Salesforce's Genie

Out of the bottle: Salesforce’s genie

Salesforce claims its new Genie capability, which combines its CDP with AI and automation, across its platform will enable genuine “real-time CRM”.

12 months ago
Marketoonist Tom Fishburne illustrating the challenge in executing a data trade off in exchange for loyalty.

The loyalty data value equation

All types of brands, from tiny consumer products to restaurants to large retailers, are creating a new era of loyalty programs, driven, in part, by a need to collect first-party data.

However, the legendary Marketoonist Tom Fishburne says marketing teams sometimes forget the importance of that “trade-off”. There’s a value exchange — consumers give up personal information and brands give something in return. Consumers need to feel that the trade-off is worth it.

1 year ago

The decisive new NPS metric: earned growth rate

Confronted with the gaming of his original NPS, the concept’s founder Robert Reichheld is now advocating that it be paired with a new metric: earned growth rate. However, will this new tool work? Can most firms readily calculate their EGR?

2 years ago
Green Hat's 2021 B2B marketing research report

Slow progress is not good enough

Now into its second decade, the survey by leading Australian B2B marketing agency Green Hat shows that marketers are achieving only slow progress in digitising and driving commercial outcomes.

3 years ago

Survey better not less

Make your customer sentiment surveys better, don’t scale them back; and ask “is there anything we could have done to make your experience more exceptional?” Great insight from Net Promoter System creator Fred Reichheld.

3 years ago